How values and beliefs are interwoven in your entrepreneur journey


Values vs. Beliefs

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Understanding the Nuances Between Values and Beliefs for Entrepreneurs

Hi everyone!

I was deep into recording an entire podcast episode, only to realize I hadn’t pressed record! But hey, those are the little snags that come with exploring new techniques and learning new things. Also, come and watch my new way of recording with my nice little Sony camera, the video quality is much better. Nonetheless, I want to share this video with you that actually is a future podcast episode, just haven't added the music or fancy mixing.

Hope You Enjoy!

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Distinguishing Values from Beliefs

Values: Your Guiding Principles

Values are your foundational principles. They’re the gold standards that hold close emotional significance, shaping who you are as a person. Everyone has values, whether you consciously acknowledge them or not. You might have values centered on family, social justice, environmental sustainability, or other important facets of life. These values are steadfast and are integral to your identity. They evoke a strong emotional response because they embody what you believe is essential to your sense of self.

Beliefs: Your Changeable Frameworks

Contrarily, beliefs function more like lenses or frameworks that can adjust when presented with new information. Beliefs are far more fluid than values and typically aren’t as emotionally charged. They reflect what you understand about the world and can be altered with new insights. For instance, you might believe that starting a business requires sacrificing time with your family. Even if you dream of entrepreneurial independence, this belief could hinder you from realizing that dream due to a perceived conflict with your family values.

Why This Distinction Matters in Entrepreneurship

How Beliefs and Values Interact

In the realm of entrepreneurship, your values and beliefs are interwoven into your daily decisions and actions. For example, if you highly value family but believe that starting a business will consume all your time, you may never pursue your entrepreneurial goals. However, if you shift your belief to recognize that it’s possible to run a business without sacrificing family time, you can unlock a new path forward.

Entrepreneurship, especially for communities of color, women of color, and queer folk, often involves navigating beliefs that may clash with deeply held values. For example, as a first-gen Latina, I intimately understand the familial responsibilities that can intersect with the norms of business that we see like individualism.

Examples of Entrepreneurial Values and Shifting Beliefs

Here are some examples highlighting potential values and the beliefs that might need reevaluation:

  • Innovation and Progress: If you value creativity and efficiency, focus on building a business that mirrors these values. Recognizing this might change a belief that your business needs to operate like traditional or harmful corporations.
  • Family and Wellbeing: Your mental, emotional, and spiritual health are non-negotiable. Ensure your business practices reflect this, even if mainstream entrepreneurial culture emphasizes hustle and sacrifice.
  • Environmental Protection: If you value sustainability, believe it’s possible to innovate within a framework that protects the planet.
  • Community and Collaboration: Ushering community values into your business can mean rejecting the notion of ‘going it alone.’ Collaboration might just be the key to a more fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.
  • Personal Creativity: Highly valuing creativity might mean constantly producing new content. However, shifting the belief that creativity equals more success can ease the pressure to always innovate externally.

Aligning Your Business with Your Values

It’s essential to regularly reflect on your values and the beliefs that guide your business decisions. Are your beliefs supporting or hindering you? For example, values around social justice might sometimes feel at odds with the pressures of running a business in a capitalistic system. However, managing this dissonance without sacrificing your core values is crucial.

Take Action: Reflect and Realign

I invite you to ponder these thoughts: What are your strong values? Do you ever feel they’re being compromised in your business journey? How do you manage this misalignment? Share your thoughts and experiences with us. Let’s build a community of support and understanding.

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Keep believing in what’s possible and align your entrepreneurial journey with your deepest values.

With so much gratitude,

Broadway, Los Angeles, California 90012-4061
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