A few weeks ago, my business bestie Angel, mentioned in her newsletter that she was trying to maintain a consistent journaling practice.
I immediately replied to her email letting her know that I journaled the night before and that my journal entry was simply…
"Today I am tired. I want to wake up energized to go work out."
I sent it to her because I knew she'd be the only one to find it funny (besides my husband of course). That night I had made a whole declaration that I would journal before bed to “wind down” only to write two sentences and then proceed with snoozing off to Rick and Morty in the background.
We chatted that journaling doesn’t have to be a whole deep entry that takes you an hour. It can be two sentences and if that’s all you can do-at minimum you held yourself accountable.
A Moment of Self-Accountability
Like many of us, Angel came across a moment of personal accountability. How do you keep yourself accountable to the things you said you want to do?
Let me get real with you, Reader. Just for a moment.
As the founder and CEO of your business, would you allow yourself to keep your job? Or would you have fired yourself already?
I asked myself this question not too long ago and I can say that objectively, I would have fired myself already. I would have fired myself hard.
I had to be honest with myself. Have I been performing to the standards of my company?
It was a question that rattled me into my own self-accountability.
How many times in your entrepreneur journey have you told yourself you are going to do something and then not do it?
I don't mean to call you out, I just mean to bring home the point that it's easier said than done to hold ourselves accountable. We can be accountable to others all day long and forget about what WE said we were going to do, for us and for our businesses!
A Mindset Strategy for You
Here’s a mindset strategy you can employ.
As the CEO of your company, allow yourself the flexibility, the pauses and reflection to learn from this journey. But as an employee of your company, remember that you are accountable to an entity outside of you.
As an employee you are allowed to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from these mistakes-all in service of getting your job done.
Ask yourself, “Who do you need to be to be the best employee at your company?”
Listen, I would not have nominated myself for the employee of the month the past 6 months, but I definitely am this month and I hope you get to do it too.
So if you find it challenging to stay accountable to yourself-learn how to toggle your mindset between that of CEO and that of employee.
While they are the same person (you), it’s the mindset that you want to access and then ask yourself, “Are you performing your job to the best of your ability?”
Learn how to walk that tightrope that is being both the CEO and an employee of your company and watch your business grow.
Como siempre. I'm here for you to breakthrough those challenges.
How to Think About Strategy
This week on the podcast I talked about a Virtual Networking Strategy and how I use this strategy to generate leads, connections and collaborations. I also talked about it from the lens of being an introvert and perhaps preferring every now and then the ability to stay home while I network lol.
Come and listen to it here or anywhere you listen to podcasts.
And in keeping with the theme of strategy this week, I share what this strategy looks like on paper and how it is different from planning! Because planning and strategy are not the same thing.
Remember to subscribe, share, like or comment. Your support means the world to me.
Remember my business bestie, Angel? The one I mentioned in my newsletter? Well she is the founder of Rodriguez Figoten Consulting 21 and is an expert social worker, innovator, and entrepreneur. She has over two decades of experience dedicating her work to improving the lives of children and families in communities of color.
She has recently been featured in Canvas Rebel! Check out her interview here. And in VoyageLA! See that interview here.
If you want to learn more about Angel, come visit her incredible website at: https://www.rfc21.com/ and check out her services. Her consulting business provides sustainable solutions that promote organizational efficiency, equity and compliance.
Come listen to Angel's journey over on my podcast where she was my 2nd guest ever! All the way back to Season 1 and follow her on socials.
Until Next Week!
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